A downloadable game for Android

Project files: https://github.com/Saish-in3d/GrappleGame

Project has been built in UE5.0

Overview: A grapple gun is incorporated with Physics based character. Demo has been optimized for mobile devices with touch inputs as mentioned in the assignment guidelines.

Physics: When a force is applied on the main body, it gains momentum. When the character grapples to a surface, with the help of physics constraints, main body attaches to the surface thus creating a mechanical couple which ultimately helps the main body to generate radial centrifugal force thus creating a sling shot movement. Couple force can be negated by moving the joystick in opposite direction of the swing.

Controls: Grapple button has been placed on the top of the screen which enables player to play with three fingers ultimately reducing player input delay while grappling.

Further Improvements:

  1. PhysicsConstraintComponent creation at start was planned in the beginning, but it resulted in multiple bugs while testing on the mobile. Creating a new component every time while grappling solved the issue.
  2. PawnMovementComponent based grapple mechanics: Forces can be applied on the main body using logic which when implemented can completely remove usage of PhysicsConstraintComponent thus improving overall performance. -regards


GrappleGame-arm64.apk 116 MB

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